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Jess's Home Birth 


I was lucky enough to be the guinea-pig for a friend of a friend who was training as a hypnobirthing instructor (something I am going to do in the coming months since qualifying as a doula). She came to our house in the evenings across 6 weeks and she gently helped us to plan a homebirth. Before meeting her, we were headed towards blindly repeating our first birth, in hospital.

I had my first baby in hospital, without giving much thought to how and where I would have her. I myself am 1 of 5 kids and we were all born at home but I hadn't considered a homebirth with my baby. Neither had any of my friends and it wasn't suggested or even mentioned in any ante-natal appointments.


I had my first in hospital and despite it being a technically perfect birth, I hated it. The environment was sterile and the staff were surly and in some instances, unkind. I didn't like being on a ward, being watched and monitored, feeling like all my maternal instincts were overlooked.


When I met Molly, the hypnobirthing trainee, we set about creating our birth plan. Without thinking about it, I put 'hospital' for my location and she gently suggested we could look at other options. She explained the benefits of a homebirth, how the safe and comfortable environment would benefit me. How my body would work and how I could help it work more effectively.


Alba was born at home after a short labour. My contractions had kicked in gently at about 1pm, in the playpark with my 3 year old. We finished the day as normal, baths, bedtime stories, then set up the living room with soft lights. The wonderful midwives arrived at 9.30pm and waited quietly in the kitchen, occasionally helping me try out different positions to get comfortable. I watched Peep Show, ate ginger nuts and drank icy water. I was in my favourite baggy t-shirt and leggings. I pushed twice and my baby was born at 11pm on the floor in the living room, with our favourite radio station on (FIPP).


The midwife, Zoe, helped me onto the sofa that she had subtly covered in a wet-the-bed sheet and made me feel really safe and comfy. She hugged me and congratulated me and said it had been her favourite birth to attend (that's what they tell all the girls!). I cut Alba's cord once I had delivered the placenta and started to breastfeed while the midwives cleaned up and took everything outside. My husband went upstairs and woke up our 3 year old so she could meet her sister.


It was the most amazing night of my life, I implore everyone to consider a homebirth!


Those photos were all taken on Alba's first day


Jess x

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